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Chancel choir

Dr. James Nga, Director

Our Chancel Choir serves the church in worship and music ministry by singing at the 9:30 AM service most Sundays from September through May. Other ministries may include singing at special services and concerts. The Choir sings a wide variety of music ranging from traditional hymns and anthems to contemporary praise songs. Rehearsals are in the Sanctuary on Thursday evenings, 7:30 -9:00 PM. We always welcome new singers – teenagers and adults. No audition is necessary. We also accept a short-term commitment. The only requirements for participation are a love for singing and a desire to share that love through music. The mission of our Chancel Choir is to glorify God and minister to both our congregation and community through thoughtful and expressive singing.  Please contact Dr. James Nga, Music Director, at for more information. 


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handBell choir

Joy Toll-Chandler, Director                                                                                  

The Cumberland Church Bell Choir consists of 11 ringers, who play on 3 octaves of bells and 3 octaves of chimes.  They generally play once a month from October through April including the Sunday before Easter and the Sunday before Christmas. Rehearsals are held every Thursday evening from 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm.  The level of music difficulty ranges from 2+ - 3+ with the comfort level usually at the 2+ level.  Last year they performed a solo at the Maine Spring Ring as well as participating in the massed ring.     

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In addition to the choirs, we have occasional music contributions from our in-house string ensemble led by James Nga (pictured here), soloists, and instrumentalists.

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Music makers

Dr. James Nga, Director

Music Makers offers a great opportunity for children to develop a sense of belonging and a love for music. It also helps them to grow an appreciation for worship and church music that will last a lifetime. Our aim is to have fun while learning songs that are joyous, positive and meaningful. In addition to singing, we also learn music theory, and play musical instruments and games. Any children who learns an instrument and wish to play it in Music Makers is also encouraged to join. Music Makers is for all children from Kindergarten to Grade 8: Music Makers I for Kindergarten to Grade 5, and Music Makers II for Grade 6 to 8. Both groups meet alternatively in 6-week sessions. We typically present a song after our 6-week session in our 9:30 am service, from September through May, and on special occasions such as the Christmas Pageant and Spring concert. We rehearse on Sundays, 8:30 to 9:00 am in the Bible Room. We will be glad to have you with us when you can. Join us in making a joyful noise unto the Lord!

Please contact Dr. James Nga, Music Director, at for more information.

music outreach program

One of the missions of the music program at this church is to reach out to the surrounding towns and communities through music. A variety of live music is presented through our annual concert series. Piano lessons at a reduced rate are also offered through this program by our Music Director, Dr. James Nga. This program aims to exemplify God's grace by helping persons, especially children, in our local community discover and develop God-given talent through the transforming power of music.

Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus

Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus